Monday, February 6, 2017

Grapefruit Curd and Meringue Tart

Our blog is meant to share different spheres of our life, so I'll share, time to time, homemade experiences that can express our dynamic living.
Today I bring you an awesome recipe that everyone loved.

But first I must give you an impression about our food habits around here.
First: We aren't vegetarian, neither vegan or paleo, sugar-free, gluten-free, free-range or any other fundamentalist diet. 
We respect every people choices and the choice we made is quite simple: awareness about the source, the price and all the additives, preservatives and not so healthy chemicals existing on the ingredients list. 
The source of our food is quite important for us - our main principle is to buy as local as possible, despite the bio/organic/free-range essence of the product. Our home production is chemicals-free and organic, but if we only use bio products we end up buying stuff from all around the world, that Portugal imported - that, in my opinion, isn't contributing for a smaller environmental foot print; we end up putting our own health over the environment. We can be pretty healthy, yet being it in a very sick planet. 
This isn't the best philosophy of life, but nowadays it's very hard to be sure which is the best way on this planet. It is a behavior that we are trying to improve, little by little.

So today we talk about free-range eggs (from the chickens of Lutz, our neighbour) and our own organic-happy-citrus!! If you are interested in a gluten-lactose-sugar-free recipe, write down a comment, so we can think about alternatives together. :)  

The recipe that I bring you today is from a TV show called  The Little Paris Kitchen, from Rachel Khoo, and I must say that I'm in love for this British chef. She has the ability to transform high standard recipes in easy, delicious and fun dishes.

Grapefruit Curd and Pepper Meringue Tart 
(the original recipe made Tarteletes)

I hope you enjoy as much as we did! Any doubt, opinion, critic, please leave a comment! 
Thank you for following us,

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